Problems with custom GTF

Issue #116 resolved
Christian Hodar created an issue


Im planning use miRNA analysis using custom gtf file from D. melanogaster flybase database, but once the program run, I have this error:

"ERROR Please check that the parameter database inside section [ReadCount] is correct."

My readcount options in my ini file are: [ReadCount] #GFF file used to calculate the number of reads in featureCounts analysis database=/mnt/Raid_Dell/Dmel.genome/gff.flybase/dmel-all-r6.21.gtf ;GFF attribute to be used as feature ID (default: gene_id) for featureCounts analysis seqid=gene_id ;Feature type (3rd column in GFF file) to be used, all features of other type are ignored (default:exon) for featureCounts analysis featuretype=exon

Thanks for the help. Christian.

Comments (5)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi, this error appears because the file does not exists or it can be read.

    Have you check if the file: /mnt/Raid_Dell/Dmel.genome/gff.flybase/dmel-all-r6.21.gtf exists and can be accessed?


  2. Christian Hodar reporter

    Yes, is in the folder.

    [chodar@Dell-T7500:~]>ls -l /mnt/Raid_Dell/Dmel.genome/gff.flybase/dmel-all-r6.21.gtf

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 chodar chodar 77509693 jun 11 10:13 /mnt/Raid_Dell/Dmel.genome/gff.flybase/dmel-all-r6.21.gtf

  3. Christian Hodar reporter

    Solved. I noticed that gtf files from Ensembl are space-delimited and my file is tab-delimited. Once I move the delimiter, Alignmer parameters run ok.

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