The provided organism is not compatible with our software (human,rat,mouse)

Issue #134 resolved
José Luis Ruiz created an issue

Hi, Thanks for the software. I have tried to runf the miRNA and circRNA pipelines to the particular organism I'm working on. Everything is fine, up to a point where I get the error message:

MINION :: The provided organism is not compatible with our software (human,rat,mouse). Please write an email to to include it

mRNA pipelines are working fine Is there any way to include in the analysis organisms different from human rat or mouse?

Regards and thanks for your feedback

Comments (6)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi, Minion is used when you don't known the adapter sequence used for the sequencing process. Are your files from EGA/SRA ? or are they sequenced by a genomic service ? In the latter case, you can ask for this sequence.

    if not, let me know and I'll try to add your organism

  2. José Luis Ruiz reporter

    The files are indeed from a genomic service. so I can try to get the sequence. How could I provide it to miARma? Specify it in the ini file the adapter cut step?

    Thanks for your time

  3. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Yes you can ask the service for that sequence and then as in the example:

    ; Adapter sequence to be removed in the analysis
    ; Specific software to remove the adapter from the sequences
  4. José Luis Ruiz reporter

    Hi, I can confirm this is no longer and issue when I include the adapter sequence in cutadapt or I don't include the step in the pipeline.

    Thanks for your help

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