Erros trying to execute miRNA de novo and circRNA examples

Issue #135 new
José Luis Ruiz created an issue

Hi So I have been trying to execute the examples of the different modes to make sure I haeve everything correctly installed and working. I have been able to run mRNA and miRNA pipelines, but miRNA de novo and circRNA keep failing. I leave below the errors for each pipeline. This is Ubuntu 16.04 and miARma 1.7.5

Thank you very much for your help

miRNA de novo:

The terminal is showing in the DeNovo part:

Starting a De novo identification and quantification of miRNAs
miRDeep ERROR :: system args failed: 512 (mkdir -p Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/DeNovo_miRNAs/results//miRDeep_results/ ;export PERL5LIB=./lib/Perl/; Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/reads//SRR873388.fastq -e -h -i -j -n -m -k ATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTGAA -o 4 -p Genomes/Indexes/bowtie1/human/bw1_homo_sapiens19 -s Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/DeNovo_miRNAs/results//miRDeep_results/SRR873388.fa -t Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/DeNovo_miRNAs/results//miRDeep_results/SRR873388_vs_genome.arf >> Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/DeNovo_miRNAs/results//miARma_stat.29806.log 2>&1) at lib/CbBio/RNASeq/ line 2326.

I attach the logs (29806). I can see errors stating "SRR873383_vs_genome.arf is not in arf format" and regarding mirdeep2

miRDeep :: File:Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/reads//SRR873389.fastq
Please run the script first before using the miRDeep2 package
The install script is located in /home/i7_station/bin/mirdeep2_pa so just do

cd /home/i7_station/bin/mirdeep2_pa

I think something is wrong with the mirdeep2 version I have installed. But I I have no experience with mirdeep2 so I'm not sure what the errors mean.


The terminal is showing in the differential expression section:

Starting a differential expression analysis using Noiseq-EdgeR software(s)
Problem while running this R command:

print(resultsfiles) : object 'resultsfiles' not found
Execution halted

I attach the logs (29326). I'm not sure where are the errors and whether this is a duplicate of issue issue 129. If it is I can try some of the suggestions there. Thanks

Comments (6)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi Jose Luis,

    miARma has miRDeep software included to make sure there is no problem regarding different versions. And the problem you are commenting seems to be related with your miRDeep version as the log says:

    *Please run the script first before using the miRDeep2 package The install script is located in /home/i7_station/bin/mirdeep2_pa so just do

    cd /home/i7_station/bin/mirdeep2_pa perl*

    Regarding the circRNA, first of all, please rename the folder name to something easier: mv /home/i7_station/bin/miARma/cbbio-miarma-54d2dc0fdd81/ /home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5


    cd  /home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5
    DE_EdgeR(projectdir="/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/results/EdgeR_results",dir="/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/results/circRNAs_results", file="/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/results/circRNAs_results/", targetfile="/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/data/targets.txt", label="", contrastfile="/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/data/contrast.txt", filter="no", replicates="yes", rpkm="no", file_size="/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/results/circRNAs_results/", cpm="no")

    please let me know what error appears on your screen

    Thanks and regards

  2. José Luis Ruiz reporter

    Regarding miRNA de novo pipeline I think I messed up with my miRDeep installation, because the folder the log said, "mirdeep2_pa", didn't even exist. I removed my miRDeep2 installation and now I'm getting an error on the differntial expression analysis section, the same one than in circRNA:

    Starting a differential expression analysis using EdgeR-Noiseq software(s)
    Problem while running this R command:
    print(resultsfiles) : object 'resultsfiles' not found
    Execution halted

    Logs can be found here

    Regarding circRNAs, the error in my screen is:

    Loading required package: edgeR
    Loading required package: limma
    2019-01-23 21:47:34 Starting Differential expression analysis with EdgeR of
    Error in DE_EdgeR(projectdir = "/home/i7_station/bin/miARma/miARma1.7.5/Examples/basic_examples/circRNAs/results/EdgeR_results",  : 
      object 'y_rpkm' not found
    In addition: Warning messages:
    1: In max(abs(logR)) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
    2: In max(abs(logR)) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
    3: In max(abs(logR)) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
    4: In max(abs(logR)) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
    5: In max(abs(logR)) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

    Please let me know your suggestions. Thanks

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