Skip Adapter filtering

Issue #136 resolved
José Luis Ruiz created an issue

Hi, I'm sorry for the multiple questions but this is my first approach to miARma and I want to integrate it in my work.

I am currently handling some read files and the sequening service claims the adapters have been already removed.

I have observed, for example running the known miRNA example pipeline, that if I remove the adapter section from the ini file, the later section, the target prediction is not performed. Is this the expected behaviour? Is there any way we can omit the adapter removal step?

Thank you for your kind support

Comments (4)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Ummmmm that is really weird. In order to skip de adapter removal step, you have to remove the whole [Adapter] section. Thats all. There is no relation among the [Adapter] and the [TargetPrediction] (unless that, due to the removal of this section, you do not obtain any miRNA differentially expressed, without these miRNAs you can not do the targetprediction)

  2. José Luis Ruiz reporter

    Well, that must be the reason then and I got confused on the way.

    Thanks, you can close this issue

  3. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Take look at the summary xls file within the results folder. In that file you can see the number of DE miRNAs

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