Readcount, SEQCOUNT error in example run.

Issue #145 resolved
Vasu Saini created an issue

I am getting this error for the example file.

sh: line 1:  6532 Abort trap: 6           featureCounts -s 0 -t exon -g transcript_id -T 4 -Q 10 -a Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/data/Homo_sapiens_GRCh37.74_chr.gtf -o Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//top_bw1_readcount_results/ Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//Bowtie1_results/SRR488566_top_bw1.bam 2>> Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//miARma_logfile.5806.log

SEQCOUNT ERROR :: system args failed: 34304 (mkdir -p Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//top_bw1_readcount_results/ ;featureCounts  -s 0 -t exon -g transcript_id -T 4 -Q 10 -a Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/data/Homo_sapiens_GRCh37.74_chr.gtf -o Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//top_bw1_readcount_results/ Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//Bowtie1_results/SRR488566_top_bw1.bam 2>> Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//miARma_logfile.5806.log) at lib/CbBio/RNASeq/ line 200, <RESULTS> line 30.

Comments (6)

  1. Vasu Saini reporter

    Some more information which may be required to address this problem.

    I downloaded all the required files from the provided links/ steps provided.

    I observed one strange thing. the log file size is almost 60 GB after the end, and the run is ending with the above mentioned error.

    Any help would be much appreciated. I am unable to figure out the problem.

  2. Vasu Saini reporter

    Load annotation file Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/data/Homo_sapiens_G ... ||
    || Features : 1306656 ||
    || Meta-features : 215170 ||
    || Chromosomes/contigs : 265 ||
    || ||
    || Process BAM file Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//Bowtie2_result ... ||
    || Single-end reads are included. ||
    || Assign reads to features... ||

  3. Vasu Saini reporter
     Input files : 1 BAM file                                       ||
    S Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//Bow ...
    Output file : Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/results//top_b ...
    Annotations : Examples/basic_examples/mRNAs/data/Homo_sapi ...
    Threads : 4
    Level : meta-feature level
    Paired-end : no
    Strand specific : no
    Multimapping reads : not counted
    Multi-overlapping reads : not counted
    Read orientations : fr
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