converting read counts to rpkm

Issue #51 resolved
Hoon Kim created an issue


I could get '' from an example run for the Known_miRNA. I wonder if you can let me know how to convert the counts into RPKM values that are often used in expression analysis.

thank you,


Comments (4)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Dear Hoon, this is a fantastic idea. In fact we have been thinking in including this feature. For human and other model organisms its quite easy. This proposal has been included in the next miARma version (1.6). If you don't mind I'll send you a pre-release for you to test it before creating a stable 1.6 version


  2. Hoon Kim reporter

    Dear Eduardo, Thank you very much for your quick response. I will be happy to have your pre lease version if it is ready.


  3. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Dear Hoon, A new miARma version has been released (1.6). This new version allow you to get RPKM files for mRNAs and Known miRNAs. You can also get normalised reads for each type of analysis. I've tested several times and it seems to work correctly.

    I'd like to known how is working for you. Please let me know if you were able to test it


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