Disabling adapter removal

Issue #53 resolved
Hoon Kim created an issue


I have miRNA sequencing where adapter sequencing has been already removed, and in this case, I think I had better to turn off "Adapter" in the miARma program. I wonder if you can let me know turn off the "Adapter" function. Probably, comment out 'adapter' in the "ini' file?

thank you in advance,


Comments (3)

  1. Hoon Kim reporter

    Related to the above question, "Adapter" step in the miARma program caused an error with the sequencing data where adapter sequencing has been already removed, as follows:

    #   miARma, miRNA and RNASeq Multiprocess Analysis                      #
    #                miARma v 1.5 (Apr-2016)                                #
    #                                                                       #
    #   Created at Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Group (CbBio)   #
    #   Institute of Biomedicine of Seville. IBIS (Spain)                   #
    #   Copyright (c) 2016 IBIS. All rights reserved.                       #
    #   mail : miARma-devel@cbbio.es                                        #
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:36 2016] Starting a miARma analysis for miRNA
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:36 2016] Checking provided parameters for: Quality,Adapter,Aligner,ReadCount,DEAnalysis,TargetPrediction.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:36 2016] Checking General-output_dir parameter ... Exists!
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:36 2016] The folder specified in (output_dir=/hkim6/work/merged-fastq/miARmaSeq/Known_miRNAs/results/) already exists.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:36 2016] Wait 5 seconds to overwrite the folder. Cancel otherwise:   0
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:42 2016] Continue.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:42 2016] All parameters are correct.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:40:42 2016] Starting Quality Analysis.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:44:33 2016] Quality Analysis finished.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:44:33 2016] Checking if files in folder: "/hkim6/work/merged-fastq/reads/" are in the correct fastq format.
    [Thu Jul 21 13:44:33 2016] Starting a Adapter removal analysis
    MINION ERROR :: system args failed: 256 (minion search-adapter -i /hkim6/work/merged-fastq/reads//S177_ATCGTT.fastq.gz -show 12  1>/tmp/minion.sq 2>> /hkim6/work/merged-fastq/miARmaSeq/Known_miRNAs/results/miARma_stat.3999.log)
    Are you sure this fastq file contains and adapter sequence? at /hkim6/tools/miARmaSeq/cbbio-miarma-7440692e7bb9/lib/CbBio/RNASeq/Adapt.pm line 1538.

    Your comments will be appreciated.

    thank you in advance,


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