miARma run issuse

Issue #62 resolved
jaes_suze created an issue


I have issue regarding my installation, wince i get this error, please advise me

./miARma miARma Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/Known_miRNAs_pipeline.ini Can't locate CbBio/RNASeq/miARma.pm in inc (you may need to install the CbBio::RNASeq::miARma module) (inc contains: >$miARmaPath,/lib/Perl >$miARmaPath,/lib/ /home/avenger/Downloads/psRobot_v1.2/perllib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.18 /usr/share/perl/5.18 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at ./miARma line 82. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./miARma line 82.

Comments (4)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Dear jaes_suze, Thank you for using miARma!

    In order to help you, I need some information:

    • Operative system
    • Perl version

    Kind regards Edu

  2. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Fine, this is the same environment where miARma was developed. Looking at the ini file that you are using, it seems that there is a comma symbol after the $miARmaPath ¿? This should say something like : $miARmaPath/lib/Perl but no $miARmaPath,/lib/Perl The value of miARmaPath inside the ini flle should be a dot (just for our included examples) or even better, the real path of the miARma folder. So my recommendation is to edit the ini file including the full path where miARma is installed in the miARmaPath variable

    let me know

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