Known miRNA identificaton

Issue #67 duplicate
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For Identifying known miRNAs should we have to provide mature region or hairpin loop region in gtf for subread? And what is the ideal way?

Regards, Manoharan

Comments (3)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Dear Manoharan, This mainly depends on your experiment. You can provide miRNA genes (pre-miRNAs, harping loop …) , and you will see the expression of the whole gene. If you want to measure the expression of “miRNA transcripts” , such as -3p or 5p, then you will have to provide mature region coordinates


  2. Manoharan

    Dear Eduardo,

    Thanks, Is "significant randfold p-value" in miRDeep_results excel files has been filtered for significant randfold p-value(If we run separately it provides yes which is for significant randfold)?.

    Is there a miARma version which provides pdf/html files as well. I tried modifying the It is giving error for me.


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