Permisson denied when trying to remove files from within the container

Issue #85 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi ,

When I try to remove a directory from within the container "miARma-seq", with sudo, I get the message to introduce the container password which I don't have. and when I use the command without "sudo", i get a "permission denied" message. Herein an example:

input: miARma@bcd23872c1fc:~/miARma$ sudo rm -rf file1 output: password for miARma:

input: miARma@bcd23872c1fc:~/miARma$ rm -rf file1 output: rm can't remove the directory : permission denied

is there any password for the container miARma?

Thank you very much

Comments (10)

  1. BB

    thank u very much Eduardo for your quick answer!!! I am always getting the same problem when using the password u provided seems that it does not recognize it, herein the output:

    miARma@bcd23872c1fc:~/miARma/oocyte_run_1_17_07_2017_m$ sudo rm GV-OLD1_S1_R1_001.fastq [sudo] password for miARma: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for miARma: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for miARma: Sorry, try again. sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts

    Thank u very much

  2. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Which docker container are you using ?

    By the way, as a host are you using a windows or a unix machine ?

  3. BB

    this the docker version instruction output: bouabid@bouabid-XPS13-9333:~$ docker version Client: Version: 17.03.0-ce API version: 1.26 Go version: go1.7.5 Git commit: 60ccb22 Built: Thu Feb 23 11:02:43 2017 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.26/version: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.

    -I am using ubuntu 16.4

  4. Eduardo Andres Leon

    I meant miARma docker (we have one for ubuntu, one for Fedora, one for Centos and one for debían). But .. if you are using an ubuntu machine, then I highly recommend you to install the miARma source package (download and uncompress. Although R and bioconductor must be properly installed)


  5. BB

    sorry I clicked comment before ending the message. just to mention that the docker works very well on Ubuntu. the main problem I a facing is that my filesystem is full and I need to remove directories from miRNAma docker to liberate space which seems impossible even using the password u gave me. Thank u !!!

  6. Eduardo Andres Leon

    My docker file says:

    useradd miARma -G sudo -p 123.qwe

    anyway, everything is easier with the source package. The docker is mainly recommended for windows users

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