Using script in config files

Issue #87 resolved
Sebastien created an issue

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to use python scripts in the configuration files. It could be pretty handfull when we need some scripting between steps.

Comments (5)

  1. Sebastien reporter

    Hum for example. I use miARma to make quality, adapter trimming, alignment. Then I use a personal script for the DE analysis. Then I use miARma to make target prediction.

    I would like for example to add scripts between the [ReadCount] and the [TargetPrediction]. The script will run DE analysis the way I want and move the results file (in .xls format) to a "EdgeR_Results" folder so miARma can detect it.

    Do you understand what I mean?


  2. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Now I understand!. It can be done but in a very different way and using only perl. miARma has been created as perl packages. So from perl you can call a package (for example, then you can do what every you want and finally call another package to process data in a compatible format. Take a look to:

    for example:


  3. Sebastien reporter

    Ho ok I see thank you ;)

    Unfortunately I don't know perl but I think my collegues can do some things with that.



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