how to load my sequnces

Issue #92 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi I am very new to bioinformatics and I am trying to run miARma. In the ini file, general section, read_dir, which is the path to run my sequences? I mean how do I download my fastq file from my computer to miARma environment? I work on ubuntu.

Comments (4)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi, are you using the docker image ?

    If you are already under linux, it is better to the miArma source .


  2. marianoavino

    Hi, yes I am using docker and ubuntu. This what I do:

    sudo docker run -t -i -u miARma miarmaseq/ubuntu /bin/bas

    Then I am in miArma. From there how do I upload my fastq files? When I set up an absolute path of my fastq in read_dir, it does not find my fastq files. Do I have to scp my files to miArma?

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