Response numbers not counting up when OP responds in the gui.

Issue #12 resolved
Jacob Karlsson created an issue

I'd link an image but can't find a good example atm but the simplest example I can give is:

  1. OP responds to their own post, marked as OPs response.
  2. Another person responds and gets assigned # 1 when people are actually going to call them # 2.

I think I'm going to try to change this myself.

Is this a new feature since this version? Can't remember it being there before. Awesome either way, surprised jodel sends that info.

And btw great job on the refactoring, looks a lot better.

Comments (4)

  1. Jacob Karlsson reporter

    Just a note: I later realized that this happened whenever a user, including OP, posted more than once.

  2. Christian Fibich repo owner

    Thanks for the fix @JacobKarlsson. The feature is not exactly new, they started sending that info in April.

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