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Meta Data Restore


This tool will allow you to restore the meta data of all files in a directory. Currently only the last modified date is restored.



java -jar restoremetadata.jar [directory] [file extensions :-seperated] [directories to exclude :-seperated]



java -jar restoremetadata.jar xml:java:html target:bin  

will store and restore metdata for all files with extensions java,xml, html and will exclude directories with names target, bin



How it works

Every time the tool is ran on a directory it will list all files matching the given filters and calculate a hash for each file. It will then identify if a file with the same name and hash previously existed. If so the metadata that was previously saved for this file will be restored.


You could use the tool in combination with git for restoring the metadata of your files after doing a checkout or merge.
Make a post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge script in which you call the restoremetadata tool on you working directory.
