
Clone wiki

eFiction / Development

The software is currently under heavy refactoring including rewrite of nealy all files. Reason is that the maintainablility suffered from multiple developers editing the code. For the same reason, the directory structure was changed and looks currently like the following:

  • admin/ contains the administration panels (including an ajax panel) - all files are accessed via the admin.php proxy
  • ajax/ bundles all ajax based functions like changing the font size or the shoutbox handling
  • blocks/ contains controller.php files (note: currently NO Controller subclasses) which handle embedables blocks for the webpage
  • classes/ contains all important core classes of the software, most of them abstracting from the database or providing common functionality
  • config/ contains all configuration files used by the software
  • database/ provides the current databse schema
  • images/ is a legacy folder containing a mix of software used and user provided images, therefore it should be removed in future releases (it is replaced by resources/images/ for system images)
  • js/ is a legacy folder containing used javascript files and should be replaced by resources/js/
  • languges/ provides the available translation for the archive
  • lib/ contains third party code (like mail provider, exporter) with their wrapper classes and utility classes which were not moved to classes up to now
  • resouces/ contains all public available artifacts of the software like javascript, images and css files
  • skins/ contains the TemplatePower templates which should be removed in future releases
  • tests/ contains Behat behavior driven tests for the website
  • utility_scripts contains files only needed for developers
  • views/ is the new home for all templates
  • all *.php files on the root level are accessable to the user

Since this software is currently build in a way that all directories are on the root level, all directories with sensitive scripts and data (like config, database, tests and utility_scripts) must be protected by their own .htaccess file.
