Implementation support of a FTP protocol in the system

Issue #216 new
Patryk Kubiak created an issue

Target Description

From the version V. the system allows for execution of stand-alone programs, but currently it is not very convenient as every time it has to be copied by manual into the SD/MMC card or the target flash memory. Implementation of FTP can resolve this problem.

General Description

To prevent duplication of definitions FTP protocol should be implemented in 3 parts. The first part (FTP library) is responsible for handling FTP logic and it should be stored in core space in directory net/protocols/ftp/. The second part is FTP Server, that should be implemented as service in ftp protocol files. The server should use interface of FTP library to handle clients requests. The third one is a program named ftp that allows for connection to the remote FTP server and transfer files with it.

List of requirements

  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for sending FTP commands
  • [ #241 ] - Possibility of working in ASCII mode
  • [ #241 ] - Possibility of working in binary mode
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library provides full interface to work as server
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library provides full interface to work as client
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library provides possibility of writting data
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library provides possibility of reading data
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for connection to the server
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for waiting for new connection
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for sending FTP commands
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for waiting for new FTP command
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for parsing FTP command
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for receiving a file
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library allows for sending a file
  • [ #241 ] - Protocol library puts all activities into the system logs
  • [ #241 ] - Logs in protocol library can be disabled and enabled by definition
  • [ #241 ] - Logs in protocol library can be disabled and enabled by definition
  • [ #241 ] - FTP server is a service
  • [ #241 ] - FTP server uses FTP library
  • [ #241 ] - FTP server is implemented in FTP protocol directory as separate file
  • [ #241 ] - FTP client is a core-space program
  • [ #241 ] - FTP client uses FTP library


  • [ #204 ] - FTP server/client


  • [ #241 ] - Implementation of FTP support

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