Prepare GUI concept for cgraphic

Issue #246 resolved
Patryk Kubiak created an issue

Implementation reason

Before start of implementation of cgraphic, it is required to prepare a visual concept for the program. Thanks to that implementation of the program will be easier and developers would now, what we want to achieve.

Generic Description

cgraphic cannot use any icons, because it takes too much flash memory. The graphic interface should use only simple figures that can be drawed in easy way and are already available in the system. Probably the interface will be not pretty, but it is going to be improved in the next system releases. The most important is to provide all required functionality. Goal of this task is to prepare graphics with proposition of all program components. The proposition has to be presented to the team and accepted by them.


Link to trello board:


  • [ #240 ] - Preparation of the sample graphic program

List of requirements

  • [ #246 ] - Shows a system logo and welcome message at the start
  • [ #246 ] - Allows for browsing file system
  • [ #246 ] - Allows for programs execution
  • [ #246 ] - Shows different icons for console and graphic programs
  • [ #246 ] - Shows status bar
  • [ #246 ] - Status bar contains current time
  • [ #246 ] - Status bar contains current CPU load
  • [ #246 ] - Shows context menu for files
  • [ #246 ] - Context menu allows for copy, paste and delete files
  • [ #246 ] - Program does not use any icons*
  • [ #246 ] - Graphic with GUI concept has been prepared and presented to team*

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