
chromawallet gaw_rell_simp

Created by August Botsford last modified

class validator {
    key tuid;
    can_write: integer;
    index createdby: pubkey;
    key name;
    description: text;

class issuer {
    key tuid; 
    can_write: integer;
    index createdby: pubkey;
    key name;
    description: text;

class project {
    key tuid;
    index framework, pool;
    description: text;
    region: text;
    amount: integer;
    currency: text;

class project_attribute {
    key project, name, timestamp;
    value: text;
    unit: text;
    effective_date: timestamp;

//Here we have metadata about validation reports and the unfilled form. Every validation report has all these things.
class validation_report {
    key tuid;
    //issuer who creates the validation report
    index created_by: issuer;
    //link to project. One project many reports.
    index project;
    //link to commitment from relevant framework.
    index commitment: framework_commitment;
    //name of validation report. This is arbitrary.
    name: text;
    //also arbitrary
    description: text;
    //validated or unvalidated.
    status: text;
    //who is going to do the validation? This is selected from existing validators!
    validator: pubkey;
    //when was the report created?
    date: timestamp;
    //here we have the "unfilled form" in JSON format.
    JSON: text;

//Here we have the filled form and data about the validation.
class validation_report_data {
    key tuid;
    //one validation_report, one validation_report_data.
    index validation_report;
    //when did the validator validate the validation report?
    date_validated: timestamp;
    //who did the validation?
    validatedby: pubkey
    //here we have the "filled form" in JSON format.
    JSON: text;

class impact_report {
    key tuid;
    index created_by: issuer;
    index project;
    name: text;
    description: text;
    report_period: text;

class impact_report_data{
    key tuid;
    index impact_report;
    date: timestamp;
    JSON: text;

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