
Daniel Shaw Background responsive images for multiple ACF fields

Created by Daniel Shaw
 * The background image container class will be like this, when using the example CSS below: class="bg-image-ACF_FIELD_NAME".

function acf_multiple_responsive_background_images() {

    // Retrieve the ID for each ACF image field you have on the page and store in an array
    $acf_fields    = get_field_objects();       // See for overview
    $acf_image_css = array();                   // An empty array to hold generated CSS for output

    //var_dump( $acf_fields );

    if ( $acf_fields ) {
        foreach ( $acf_fields as $field ) {     // Loop through all of the ACF fields.
            if ( 'image' === $field['type'] ) {	// Check if an image field.

                $banner_s = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $field['value'], 'banner-s' )[0];
                $banner_l = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $field['value'], 'banner-l' )[0];

                // The background image class includes the ACF field name to make it unique.
                $css = '.bg-image-' . $field['name'] . '{background-image:url(' . esc_url ( $banner_s ) . ');}@media(min-width: 75em){.bg-image-' . $field['name'] . '{background-image:url(' . esc_url( $banner_l ) . ');}}';
                array_push( $acf_image_css, $css );

    $acf_image_css_string = implode( '', $acf_image_css ); // wp_add_inline_style() expects a string.

    // Set the CSS inline
    wp_add_inline_style( 'theme-css-handle', $acf_image_css_string );


add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'acf_multiple_responsive_background_images' );

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