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We have a beta version for Moodle 2.3 of this patch in MOODLE_23_STABLE branch
Table of contents
CICEI conditional activities
This is a major Moodle modification to show activities within a course based in conditions. The modification was developed by Center of Innovation for the Information Society CICEI at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ULPGC, Spain.
Borja Rubio Reyes
CICEI Conditional activities for Moodle is distributed under the GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) version 2
- The conditions of an activity must be defined in a new tab that appears in the configuration of the activity. Conditionals can be enabled/disabled in the configuration of each course.
- Conditionals are included in course backup/restore.
- This patch also allows to highlight the new activities in each course (those in which a participant has never accessed) with the label "NEW" or with a personalized label. By default the activities are not highlighted. This can be configured in the course.
- In addition, this patch allows to define any kind of information related to an activity (from a new tab named "Activity information" that appears in the configuration of the activity). This information will appear to a participant in the course main page and above of the activity name until the participant access to the activity. After that, the text disappear but will be possible to access to this information using the help button that appears next to the name of the activity.
- This patch uses Moodle Local customization for the modifications in the database and to add new capabilities to the roles.
Available conditions
- The participant has or not sent an assignment.
- The grade (numerical or scaled) obtained by a participant in an assignment.
- The participant has accessed or not a book.
- The participant has opened or not a chat.
- The participant has answered or not a choice.
- The answer given by a participant to a choice.
- The number of discussions (threads) started by a participant in a forum.
- The total number of messages (the start message of a discussion or thread are also a message) sent by a participant to a forum.
- The number of answers obtained in a discussions initiated by a participant.
- The grade (numerical or scaled) obtained by a participant in a forum.
- The number of entries added by a participant to a glossary.
- The number of comments done by a participant to terms of a glossary.
- The grade obtained by a participant in a lesson.
- The answer given by a participant to a "multiple option", "true/false", "short answer" or "numerical" question of a lesson.
- The number of correct matches done by a participant in a "matching" question of a lesson.
- The mark obtained by a participant in a "essay" question of a lesson.
- The grade obtained by a participant in a quiz.
- The answer given by a participant to a "short answer", "true/false", "multiple option", "numerical", "calculated" question of a quiz.
- The number of correct matches done by a participant in a "matching" question of a quiz.
- The number of successes of a participant in a type question "random short-answer matching" of a quiz.
- The number of times that a participant has edited a wiki.
- The grade obtained by a participant in a workshop
- The participant has accessed to a resource.
- The participant language is or not equal to any of the site languages.
- The participant country is or not equal to any of the list of countries.
- The time passed (in days) since participant's first click in the course.
- The time passed (in days) since course start date.
- The time passed (in days) since a date.
- We have a beta version for Moodle 2.3 of this patch in MOODLE_23_conditionals_dev branch
- Please use bitbucket ticket system to sent us bugs, enhancements...
- All modifications to Moodle core files source are between two blocks of comments:
code related to conditional activities
code related to new activities highlight
Testing conditionals activities
There is available a course explaining conditionals activities (you must create an account in order to test conditionals with your own account) and another course to test conditional activities as editing teacher (you can use username:teacher password:teacher account to access as teacher and you can use your created account to access as student and take the course).
Branches in this repository
- MOODLE_19_STABLE: Moodle 1.9.x with conditional activities modifications.
- MOODLE_19_STABLE_ES: Moodle 1.9.x with es_utf8 translation, conditional activities modifications and conditional activities spanish translation.
How to install conditional activities
This is a major patch to Moodle core files and includes local customization. Please follow the instructions to install this mod in your site. If you want to use the spanish translations of the mod, please visit the spanish version of this page.
If you are starting a new Moodle site
Just clone this repository:
$ git clone
or download it using "get source" menu option of bitbucket.
If you already have a Moodle site and want to use conditional activities
You need to apply a patch to your Moodle installation, so you have two options:
- Generate the patch from repository sources (recommended):
$ git clone
$ cd cicei_moodle_conditional_activities
$ git remote add moodle git://
$ git fetch moodle git://
$ git diff remotes/moodle/MOODLE_19_STABLE..remotes/origin/MOODLE_19_STABLE > conditional_activities.diff
- Download the patch from CICEI site (could be outdated).
Finally, you must apply the patch to your Moodle installation. Before doing it, please make a backup of your Moodle installation. You can apply the patch executing:
$ cd ../your/moodle/install
$ patch -p1 < conditional_activities.diff