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CV-Import Image As v1.0.0

Create 3D objects from your images in no time at all. Auto-detects Alpha Channels, video files, and image sequences.

Documentation & Support


Keyboard Shortcuts / Modifiers

  • Hold Alt / Option when calling command to import an entire directory.

CV-Material from Image

Import the selected image as a material, auto-detects alpha.

Decal.png CV-Decal from Image

Import the selected image as a flat-mapped texture.

Plane.png CV-Plane from Image

Import the selected image as a luminous plane.

  • Max Width/Height: Images will fit in 400 unit X 400 unit plane.
  • Max Width: Plane will adapt height so that width stays at 400 units.
  • Max Height: Plane will adapt width so that height stays at 400 units.
  • Match Source: Plane will be exact same width/height as image. 1 px = 1 unit.
  • Load Sequential Images as Animation: Leave this on to import Image01.png, Image02.png, etc as animation. Turn it off if you want each to load in as a separate plane.
  • Image...: Load a single image file.
  • Directory...: Load a directory picker and auto-load all images in directory.

Sprite.png CV-Sprite from Image

Import the selected image as a plane facing the camera.

  • Max Width/Height: Images will fit in 400 unit X 400 unit plane.
  • Max Width: Plane will adapt height so that width stays at 400 units.
  • Max Height: Plane will adapt width so that height stays at 400 units.
  • Match Source: Plane will be exact same width/height as image. 1 px = 1 unit.
  • Load Sequential Images as Animation: Leave this on to import Image01.png, Image02.png, etc as animation. Turn it off if you want each to load in as a separate plane.
  • Image...: Load a single image file.
  • Directory...: Load a directory picker and auto-load all images in directory.

Plane Smart

Converts multi-layer Photoshop & TIFF files into a series of proportionally sized and stacked planes.

Sky.png CV-Sky from Image

Import the selected image as a sky object.

Background.png CV-Background from Image

Import the selected image as a background object. Adjust doc timing to match.

Foreground.png CV-Foreground from Image

Import the selected image as a foreground object. Adjust doc timing to match.

Gobo.png CV-Gobo from Image

Import the selected image as a spotlight with a gobo.

Version History

  • 1.5.0:
    • New: Options dialog for Import as Plane
    • New: Options dialog for Import as Sprite.
    • New: Match Width sizing option.
    • New: Match Height sizing option.
    • New: Match Resolution option.
    • New: Option to import sequenced images as separate files.
    • New: Import multiple image sequences in directory mode.
    • Bug Fix: Decal now added as last material.
    • Improved: Two-stage options when importing animated footage as background so you can choose to adjust resolution and length separately.
    • Improved: Documentation now describes options and includes some new images.
  • 1.0.0: Initial Release
