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wapor-et-look / Getting_Started

Getting Started


Abbreviation Description
AET Actual Evapotranspiration
AgERA5 Agrometeorological indicators from ERA5
CHIRPS Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DMP Dry Matter Production
E Evaporation
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
EOS End of Season
ERA5 fifth generation ECMWF Re-Analysis
ESU Elementary Surface Area
ET Evapotranspiration
ETIa Actual EvapoTranspiration and Interception
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
fAPAR Fraction Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation
FRAME Consortium consisting of eLEAF, VITO, ITC and the Waterwatch Foundation
GBWP Gross Biomass Water Productivity
GEOS-5 Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5
I Interception
IFS Integrated Forecast System
LAI Leaf Area Index
LCC Land Cover Classification
LST Land Surface Temperature
LUE Light Use efficiency
MODIS MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MOS Maximum of Season
MS Multi-Spectral
MSG Meteosat Second Generation
MTG Meteosat Third Generation
NBWP Net Biomass Water Productivity
NDVI Normalised Difference Vegetation Index
NIR Near Infrared
NPP Net Primary Production
NRT Near Real Time
PCP Precipitation
PHE Phenology
RET Reference Evapotranspiration
ROI Region of Interest
SLC Scan Line Corrector (on Landsat 7)
RSM Relative Soil Moisture
SMC Soil Moisture Content
SMS Soil Moisture Stress
SOS Start of Season
T Transpiration
TBP Total Biomass Production
TIR Thermal Infrared
TOC Top of Canopy
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
VI Vegetation Index
VIIRS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
VNIR Visible and Near Infrared
WaPOR FAO portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data
WP Water Productivity


The term data is frequently used throughout this document. The following definitions explain the different uses of the term within WaPOR:
- Data (file): raster data in GeoTIFF format, containing coordinate reference system (CRS) information in line with the OGC and ISO TC211 specifications.
- Data component: A time series of similarly structured data files containing one specific type of information (e.g. Evaporation). Each individual data file contains information on the data component for a different time period.
- Dataset: A set of related data components which cover the same Region of Interest (ROI) and time period (though not necessarily with the same temporal and spatial resolution). For example, the continental dataset (Level 2) contains, amongst others, Evaporation, Transpiration and Net Primary Productivity data components.


The term data is also used in relation to external sources, e.g. data used as input to produce or to validate the different data components. The following data sources can be distinguished:
- Regularly updated data includes satellite imagery and meteorological data, used for the production of all data components.
- Static data, such as elevation and soil type, that do not change within the time period of the datasets.

Reference data refers to ground or field observations or measurements which are used in most cases to validate the data components. Reference data is also used for the production of the land cover data component.
