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www / Installation


Installation of the OCToolbox WordPress plugin & demo theme follows the WordPress conventions for installing plugins and themes.

In short you'll need to:

  1. Download the latest OCToolbox version from this repository
  2. Unzip the OCToolbox archive
  3. Copy the wp-content/plugins/octoolbox directory in your WordPress' plugins directory (usually wp-content/plugins).
  4. Copy the wp-content/themes/octoolbox directory in your WordPress' themes directory (usually wp-content/themes)
  5. Activate the 'octoolbox' plugin
  6. Activate the 'octoolbox' theme

Continue with the Tutorial.


  • The octoolbox theme depends on Twenty-Seventeen being installed, since the octoolbox is a child of this default WordPress theme. Keep in mind the octoolbox is a demo theme. You can always create your own theme and style and incorporate the octoolbox data.
  • As of writing OCToolbox has been tested with WordPress 4.7 (single installation, no multisite) and PHP 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 14.04.4.


If you're interested in development of the OCToolbox, please have a look at the devops repository which contains a Vagrant file and Ansible playbooks for setting up a virtualmachine with a demo OCToolbox WordPress website.
