Editing in Linux the boundaries of numeric variables

Issue #153 resolved
Manuel Luque created an issue

Hi, I am having problems for editing the boundaries of numeric variables. For example, if I try to introduce the interval [0,+infinity) for a numeric variable then the GUI does not allow me to choose "[". I think this is related to some graphic library.

My environment is: Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid 64-bit. Gnome version 3.8.4. Java version: OpenJDK 7, 64 bits.

I'd appreciate the comments from Linux users, specially from Debian and derived distributions (Ubuntu, Mint) and/or Gnome users.

Best regards. Manuel L.G.

Comments (4)

  1. Miguel Ángel Artaso Landa


    I have tried the following environments:

    1. Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit / Unity / Java: Oracle 7 u51
    2. Mac OS X 10.9 / Java: Oracle 7 u51
    3. Windows 7 SP1 / Java: Oracle 7 u51

    I do not know if this is the same situation that you are experiencing but in [3] I can select the type of interval of the numeric variable whereas in [1] & [2] I cannot do it. Here you are three screenshots to picture this.

    [1] IntervalUbuntu.png

    [2] IntervalMac.png

    [3] IntervalWindows.png

    Best regards, Miguel A.

  2. Manuel Luque reporter

    I'm still having the same problem in Linux (Debian), with desktop environment Gnome 3.14. I'm going to modify the priority of this issue so at least Javier could see with Jorge and Miguel whether this issue is really important. In my opinion it is important, because the existence of this problem prevents Mac and Linux users of modifying the domain of numerical variables.

    P.S.: If you work in this issue, I don't know if the "s0" at left of the domain should even appear in Windows.

  3. Jorge Pérez

    Fixed issue #153. Increased the width of the limit's ComboBox component. Resized the other components of each type of variable. Removed the state's name in the numeric variable type.

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