
Gloria Free e books downloads The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure 9780805062991

Created by Gloria

#Free e books downloads The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure 9780805062991 #####Publisher: Holt, Henry & Company, Inc.

The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure

File name: The-Number-Devil-A-Mathematical.pdf

ISBN: 9780805062991 | 264 pages | 7 Mb


The international best-seller that makes mathematics a thrilling exploration. In twelve dreams, Robert, a boy who hates math, meets a Number Devil, who leads him to discover the amazing world of numbers: infinite numbers, prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers, numbers that magically appear in triangles, and numbers that expand without . As we dream with him, we are taken further and further into mathematical theory, where ideas eventually take flight, until everyone-from those who ...
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