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CECAM-Setup / MemProtMD Pipeline

Setting Up Membrane Protein Simulations

The Tutorial for this Workshop can be found here

MemProtMD Package

Download MemProtMD Package

For ease unpack in your home directory.

tar xvf MemProtMD.tar.gz
cd MemProtMD/AT2CG/

Both Memembed and DSSP (included in the archive) require Boost. You should also be able to install DSSP via apt-get on Linux (eg Ubuntu):

tar xvf dssp-2.2.1.tar
tar xvf memembed.tar
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libbz2-dev dssp


tar xvf dssp-2.2.1-mac.tar
tar xvf memembed-mac.tar
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install boost

Then compile Memembed and DSSP:

cd dssp-2.2.1

cd ../memembed

Software Requirements

Quick and dirty installation should work:

tar xfz gromacs-5.0.6.tar.gz
cd gromacs-5.0.6
mkdir build
cd build
make check
sudo make install
source /usr/local/gromacs/bin/GMXRC

  • MDAnalysis

    sudo easy_install -U setuptools
    sudo easy_install pip
    pip install MDAnalysis

  • Pymol

In Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install pymol

Additional Packages:


sudo apt-get install pdb2pqr
* Pulchra allows full conversion.

Package Details:

MemProtMD (AT2CG)

To convert to Martini CG ( and set-up a random box of lipids.

perl protein.pdb 1 popc

or eg:

perl protein.pdb 2 popc 25 pope 75

The following variables need to be set for at2cg to work:

  • The directory containing the atomistic fragments and tip files:

    $shared = "~/MemProtMD/AT2CG";

  • Location for Gromacs:

    $gromacs = "/usr/local/gromacs/bin";

You can also break this down into:

python ~/MemProtMD/AT2CG/ -f protein.pdb  -merge all -dssp ~/MemProtMD/AT2CG/dssp-2.2.1/mkdssp -ff martini22 -v -x protein-cg.pdb -o -elastic -ef 1000 -el 0.5 -eu 0.9 -ea 0 -ep 0
perl ~/MemProtMD/AT2CG/ 1 popc  

Again for you need to specify:

  • The directory containing the atomistic fragments and tip files:

    $shared = "~/MemProtMD/AT2CG";

  • Location for Gromacs:

    $gromacs = "/usr/local/gromacs/bin";


To convert the system back to atomistic use the script:

perl cg.pdb GPCR.pdb

The following variables need to be set for cg2at to work:

  • The directory containing the atomistic fragments and itp files
    $cg2atdir = "~/MemProtMD/CG2AT";
  • Location for Gromacs
    $gromacs = "/usr/local/gromacs/bin";
  • Location for Pymol (including executable)

    $pymol = "/usr/local/bin/pymol";

  • Ideally also provide the protein-cg.itp file that details the CG protein parameters, the name of this file can be modified within the script itself.

Options (You don't need to change):

  • CG Protein itp file
    $itp = "protein-cg.itp";
  • Number of individual proteins (multiples of protein-cg.itp) - Do not change unless your system includes>=2 proteins and you wish to use the alignment mode. Alignment mode doesn't work for heteromers in separate itp files.
    $protnum = 0;
  • Lipid deletion method - alchembed, pymol, genbox, g_membed or none - (required for "align" method). You can often get away with "none" but otherwise its alchembed < pymol< g_membed< genbox in terms of increasing numbers of lipids deleted.
    $deletion = "alchembed";
  • Delete Waters? - gmxsolvate, pymol, waterkiller or none. Pymol/gmxsolvate work best.
    $delete_waters = "gmxsolvate";
  • Optimise Box? Only works if Bilayer has formed along xy plane. Reduces the size of enormous systems.
    $optimise = "yes";
  • Align the original protein with just the TM domains or all residues (tm/all)
    my $align = "tm";
  • Merge Chains? - useful if inter-subunit disulphide is required (yes/no).
    my $merge = "no";
