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tios / User Guide

Tios user guide.


usage: tios-config [-h]

Create or modify the *tios* configuration file
Typically you only run this command once on each resource you install tios on.


usage: tios-passwd [-h]

Change you *tios* password
Note: if you change your password, you will need to re-run tios-config on all the other resources you use.


usage: tios-ls [-a]

List simulations in the *tios* database

  -a, --all     List jobs for all users, not just yourself.

Output:         One line per job, Fields are:
                    Job_id      6-character ID of the job, as set by tios-wrap.
                    Title       Descriptive title, as provided to tios-wrap.
                    Timepoint   Number of ps the simulation has been running for in total
                    Username    Name of the submitter as set by tios-config.
                    Status      Current status of the job.
                    Last_update Last time the simulation data was updated.


usage: tios-info [-h] id

print information regarding a tios simulation

positional arguments:
  id          ID of tios simulation


usage: tios-collect [-h] [-o TRAJFILE] [-l LOGFILE] [-p PDB] [-v]
                    [-t TIME_PERIOD] [-i INTERVAL] [-n FIRSTN] [-V]

Connect to a *tios* stream and download data

positional arguments:
  id                    tios id of the job to collect data from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o TRAJFILE, --trajfile TRAJFILE
                        name of trajectory file
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        name of log file
  -p PDB, --pdb PDB     write a .pdb file to complement the trajectory
  -v, --verbose         display info as collection progresses
  -t TIME_PERIOD, --time_period TIME_PERIOD
                        time period over which to collect data (in ps or ns)
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        time interval between snapshots (in ps or ns)
  -n FIRTSTN, --firstn FIRSTN
                        include only these first N atoms in the trajectory file
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit


usage: tios-download [-h] id

Download copies of the simulation files (for Gromacs, .tpr and possibly .cpt files)

positional arguments:
  id          ID of *tios* simulation


usage: tios-restart ID [-p PREAMBLE] [-e EXTRA_ARGS] [-r TRATE]

Connect to a stopped *tios* simulation and restart from where it left off.

  ID             The *tios* ID of the simulation to restart
  -p PREAMBLE, --preamble PREAMBLE
                 preamble for command line (e.g. mpirun)
  -e EXTRA_ARGS, --extra_args EXTRA_ARGS
                 extra arguments at end of command line (e.g. -maxh 24)
  -r TRATE, --trate TRATE
                 Sampling interval in ps
Note You can only restart tios simulations that you own.


usage: tios-cp ID [-t TITLE] 

Create a copy of a *tios* simulation (which may be currently running, or not), starting from the current coordinates

  ID             The *tios* ID of the simulation to clone from
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                 New title for the cloned simulation (else the parent's title is used)
Note: you can clone any tios simulation - not just the ones you own.


usage: tios-stop [-h] [-V] id

Stop a *tios* simulation remotely

positional arguments:
  id             tios id of the job
Note: don't worry, the only person who can stop one of your tios simulations is you.


Submit an MD simulation to tios.

usage: tios-submit [-h] [--title TITLE] [--selection SELECTION] [--trate TRATE] SIMCOMMAND

  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        descriptive title for the simulation
  -n FIRSTN, --firstn FIRSTN
                        store the first N (most interesting atoms e.g. solute?) separately. 
                        Can improve receiver performance
  -r TRATE, --trate TRATE
                        interval (in ps) between frames
positional arguments:
  SIMCOMMAND   The command that, by itself, would have been used to run the simulation job conventionally.
               Do not enclose this in quotes.


Requires administrator privileges to run. Configures the administrator account with details of the MongoDB server.


Requires administrator privileges to run. Add a user account to the tios server.

usage: tios-add_user USERNAME PASSWORD


Requires administrator privileges to run. Remove a user account from the tios server.

usage: tios-remove_user USERNAME


Requires administrator privileges to run. List the user accounts on the tios server.


Start a local tios hub in a Docker container (required Docker installed).

usage: tios-dockerhub_start ADMIN_USERNAME ADMIN_PASSWORD


Stop a local tios hub running as a Docker container. Be aware this will delete all data!

usage: tios-dockerhub_stop
