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fallen-world / Silver Ladder

The members of the order of the Silver Ladder firmly believe that the destiny of the Awakened is to lead the rest of the world into a new, glorious era where all will share in the gifts of magic. The world just needs a push in the right direction, and the Silver Ladder will always be there to provide it—in the ears of the important folk who control the balance of power in the world.

While they may come of as arrogant and lofty—and perhaps are—they will always argue that they are doing what they do for the good of the world. Others may deal with the small problems if they like, but the big picture is where they focus.


On your turn, choose 1 or both:

  • [Name] asked you for a favor a while back, and still owes you. Tell them +2.
  • [Name] stood up to you once in the past, which left an impression... for better or for worse. Tell them +1.

Tell everyone else =0. You don't hold yourself apart, but you're not the chummy type.

On everyone else's turn:

  • Decide who you respect the most. Ignore what they tell you and write +2.
  • Decide who you respect the least. Ignore what they tell you and write -1.
  • For everyone else, write down what they tell you next to their name.


You have:

  • Top of the Ladder: When you give orders to a group of people and they follow, mark experience.

Choose 2 others:

  • Silver Tongue: You've got +1manipulation.
  • The One Percent: If you're not currently under attack from hostile forces, at the beginning of a session, roll+composure. On a 10+, you have disposable income at hand and available for the needs of the session. On a 7-9, you have disposable income, but choose one want from the list. On a miss, you've spent what you can spare and the ST chooses what need you have unmet. Wants:
    • Obligation: You owe a chunk of your time and energy to someone.
    • Security: Your usual defenses have been decreased until you can fix them, leaving you more vulnerable.
    • Enemy: A rival or enemy is looking to challenge you.
    • Attention: For whatever reason, there's more people around your home base such that it's hard to do things in secret.
  • Old Mages' Club: You've cultivated a great deal of connections who can get you in touch with someone who has the mundane skills or information you need once a session.
  • I've Got a Plan: When taking the lead in solving a problem, roll+Intelligence. On a hit, the ST tells you about a critical weakness or piece of information you can exploit. On a 7-9, the opposition knows about it, and is working to cover it.
  • Delegate Authority: You have an assistant or servant who, while not magical themselves, is in on the secret, and who you can dispatch to carry out mundane errands and deliver sensitive messages.
