
Clone wiki

fallen-world / Thyrsus


Yew, Tiger, Freya, Fern, June, Arvid, Oak, Llewelyn, Renard, Varg, Demeter, Avani.

An obscure name, a wild name, a soft name, a natural name.


Wild, rugged, ferocious, mystical, peaceful.

Natural clothes, hiking clothes, outlandish clothes, practical clothes, roughspun clothes.


Hungry like the wolf, bestial witness, strange scents, predator's song, unveiling, hair growth, human claws, muscle tremors, bestial impulsitivity


+1 Composure, +1 Manipulation, 0 Strength, -1 Intelligence

Ruling Arcana

Life, Spirit

Inferior Arcanum



Choose 1:

  • Of the Wild: You have a natural affinity toward animals and the natural world. You can communicate with animals and plants, though their responses will not necessarily be particularly intelligent.
  • Spiritualist: You're at ease around the spirits of the world around you. Take +1 when dealing with spirits.
  • Non-Toxic: You are immune to all toxins, poisons and disease, including things like food poisoning and the flu. Go ahead and keep that six-month-old milk.
  • Fast-Healing: You may heal 1harm on your sheet per session without using magic.
  • Medic's Sense: When you see beyond, you can ask these questions:
    • What here is alive?
    • What here is dying or diseased?
  • natural armor??? deal damage to attackers?????
  • Reach Across: get things from the twilight
  • Of the Twilight: You are strongly attuned to the spirit world, and can See Beyond into it without being there physically. *
