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CodeCop / Getting Started

Getting Started

This simple tutorial will show you how quickly you can intercept a method in a class. Please refer to the API Documentation page for more advanced scenarios and usages.

1) Create a new ConsoleApplication and call it HelloWorld (framework 4.0 or upper).

2) Add CodeCop nuget package to your project.


install-package codecop
3) Create a new class, call it WriteMethodNameToConsoleInterceptor, make it implement the ICopIntercept interface and add the following code to the OnBeforeExecute and OnAfterExecute methods.

 public class WriteMethodNameToConsoleInterceptor : ICopIntercept

        public void OnBeforeExecute(InterceptionContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("Before {0}", context.InterceptedMethod.Name);

        public void OnAfterExecute(InterceptionContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("After {0}", context.InterceptedMethod.Name);

4) Add a new class file, call it MyClass and add a new void method called InterceptedMethod that makes a call to Console.WriteLine.

public class MyClass
        public void InterceptedMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("InterceptedMethod() has executed");

5) Add a new JSON file to your project and call it copconfig.json (mandatory name), right-click on it and in the option Copy to Output Directory select Copy if newer.

6) The JSON file should look like this:


    "Types": [
            "TypeName": "HelloWorld.MyClass, HelloWorld",
            "Methods": [
                    "MethodSignature": "InterceptedMethod()",
                    "Interceptors": [ "WriteMethodNameToConsoleInterceptor"]
           "GenericArgumentTypes": []


    "GlobalInterceptors": [],
6) On the application Main method, make a call to the Intercept method of the Cop class to bootstrap the interception process. After, make a call to the InterceptedMethod of MyClass.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            new MyClass().InterceptedMethod();

7) Run the app and this is the output you should see.


Pretty Cool, right? :)
