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armus / TOPLAS17-Benchmarks

Java non-distributed benchmarks (JGF)

git clone -b ppopp15
cd jgf-mt-runner
make run                      # run the benchmarks (abort with killall python)
make collect                  # collect the stats (located in data)
./show-single-graph RayTracer # visualise

Download the JGF repository as an archive:

Java non-distributed benchmarks (NPB)

git clone -b ppopp15
cd npb-runner
make run               # run the benchmarks (abort with killall python)
make collect           # collect the stats (located in data)
./show-single-graph FT # visualise. available parameters: CG BT MG FT SP

Alternatively, download the NPB repository as an archive:

X10 Graph model benchmarks

git clone -b ppopp15
cd pppp13-runner
make run         # run the benchmarks (abort with killall python)
make run-gs      # compute the average graph size (abort with killall python)
make collect     # collect the stats (located in data)
./show-graphs    # visualise

Alternatively, download the PPP13 repository as an archive:

Listing detection overhead

$ git checkout toplas-detect 
Switched to branch 'toplas-detect'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/toplas-detect'.
$ ./show-table 
auto | SE  |  1.08
  sg | SE  |  1.08
 wfg | SE  |  0.00
 teg | SE  |  1.08

auto | FI  |  1.20
  sg | FI  |  1.17
 wfg | FI  |  1.18
 teg | FI  |  1.24

auto | FR  |  1.21
  sg | FR  |  1.25
 wfg | FR  |  1.17
 teg | FR  |  1.26

auto | BFS |  1.08
  sg | BFS |  1.07
 wfg | BFS |  1.18
 teg | BFS |  1.18

auto | PS  |  1.07
  sg | PS  |  1.07
 wfg | PS  |  1.11
 teg | PS  |  1.12

Listing avoidance overhead

$ git checkout toplas
Switched to branch 'toplas'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/toplas'.
$ ./show-table 
auto | SE  |  1.58
  sg | SE  |  1.63
 wfg | SE  |  1.69
 teg | SE  |  1.67

auto | FI  |  1.91
  sg | FI  |  1.98
 wfg | FI  |  1.94
 teg | FI  |  2.32

auto | FR  |  2.41
  sg | FR  |  4.10
 wfg | FR  |  2.37
 teg | FR  |  4.16

auto | BFS |  1.35
  sg | BFS |  1.43
 wfg | BFS |  3.27
 teg | BFS |  3.83

auto | PS  |  1.76
  sg | PS  |  2.61
 wfg | PS  |  5.90
 teg | PS  | 14.44

X10 distributed benchmarks

git clone -b ppopp15
cd x10-benchmarks-runner
make run       # run the benchmarks (abort with killall python)
make collect   # collect the stats (located in data)
./show-graphs  # visualise

Alternatively, download the repository as an archive:

Configuring the benchmark setup

  • To control the number of spawned threads please edit the file setup.yaml in each respective directory.

  • To control parameters related to running the benchmarks edit file run.yaml.

  • To control parameters related to gathering the statistics edit file stats.yaml.
