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Coleman David / Business

7 Reasons Why Most of the Startup Fail in Business

Nowadays, startups are considered the focus of attention of all the entrepreneurs in the business world. It looks an interesting idea to start a business in today's world. However, remember every successful story has a list of failed attempts. Even a large number of startups do not recover from downfall and finally, end up their operation. There is not a single factor contributing to their failure but a wide range of factors which are responsible collectively. So while starting a business, one should become aware of the diverse challenges which come in the way and find ways to figure out them. Below are some of the basic reasons which explain why most of the startups fail in business:

1) Wrong Reason to Start the Business:

When money is your priority, then you can easily get into the trap to cut the necessary cost in your products, thus lacking behind in serving your customers with the best. As a result, you start a product start suffering in the market and competitors move ahead. Finally, your startup declines and finds no way it for its survival. Build passion for your business and do what you are good at. Stay focused on providing valued products and services to the marketplace. In return, the market will ensure your success.

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2) Poor Management:

Poor management is one of the key reasons which lead a business to its failure. Make sure that you can manage your business well. If you think that you are not good at management, hire employees who share your passion and keep an eye on all activities. Pay attention towards issues like production, communications, budget, business plan, etc. Poor leadership is often seen responsible for a poor managerial control which means that the right people are not hired for important roles.

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3) Inappropriate Business Location:

A perfect location is a mandatory element for the success of a business. It is much better to pay more for a perfect location than to pay less for a location which does not work. Your actual aim is to reach your target audience, for it, you have to locate your business in such a place where it receives high traffic, easily accessible by the public and close to other businesses.

4) Lack of in Digital Marketing:

It is very important to include digital marketing in your marketing strategy. In this era, no business can flourish with have a platform for digital marketing. Same is the case with startups. Your website allows the customer to know more about your business and purchase the products online without any hindrance. However, remember to generate sales; you have to invest in the development of your website to engage your audience. Website design should be highly attractive to grasp the attention of users. Moreover, make them easy to navigate through to provide a seamless browsing experience. In the case of serving the customers, your website should take relevant details of the customers to ensure proper delivery. Google is the largest search engine, and your success is to list your business in it in high ranking.

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5) Poor Allocation of Money and Resources: ##

It has been seen that the primary reason for the failure of most of the startups is a poor allocation of resources. Many of the startups with a good business idea move towards decline because the entrepreneur runs out of cash at a very initial stage. This is because of two reasons; either you have insufficient cash to start the business, or you have poorly allocated the financial resources which lead you towards bankruptcy. So while starting a business always makes sure that you have enough money and prepare a proper funding plan.The initial time for the startups is very crucial, and talented employees needed to be hired at perfect places. Due to improper allocation of human resource, the startups suffer. Spending too much money on marketing budget and other product features which are not required is also an inappropriate practice. A viable business model can be a solution to all such problems. With the help of it, cash flows can be managed very effectively.

6) Unable to Match Market Competition:

Many of the startups fail to realize the competitiveness of the market, and they think they are the one with a great idea, ignoring the competitors who are moving in the same direction. This is because of the lack of proper competitors’ research. According to a statistics, 19% of the startup fails due to ignoring the market competition. The best way out of this situation is to enter a niche where there is less competition or bring such differentiation in your products to create superior value for your consumers.

Another reason for the inability of startups to operate is not matching the market trends. Some of the businesses are unable to identify the trend in the market, and the customer needs. The biggest mistake quoted by the majority of startups after a failure is a wrong market fit for their product. Businesses should do detailed research that what customers want, as their preferences determine the market trend and business should make the products accordingly. Without measuring, tracking, validating the data, a company is unable to create a product which undergoes high demand. For example, it's a new market trend that people like to purchase the products with attractive, fascinating and customized packaging. So it's better for the businesses to pay focus on custom packaging boxes to ensure alignment with customer needs.


Consumers need to keep on changing continually, maybe they are inclined to your product now, but after some time their preference may vary. Sometimes this also happens that due to a high brand image of existing products, customers feel reluctant to try a new one. So, new startup firms think of introducing a product which fits their vision.
