Different ClaimSet is produced depending on JDK version

Issue #121 resolved
Alex Soto created an issue

Because CustomClaimSets are a HashMap depending on the Java version the API is running the customclaim sets are iterated in a different way which makes that the token is invalid.

For example in case of Claim sets generated with Java8:

JWTClaimsSet [iss=null, sub=alex, aud=null, exp=Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2050, nbf=null, iat=null, jti=null, customClaims={ip=, SSLID=111111111, user-agent=Mozilla}]

And same code with Java7: JWTClaimsSet [iss=null, sub=alex, aud=null, exp=Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 CET 2050, nbf=null, iat=null, jti=null, customClaims={user-agent=Mozilla, SSLID=111111111, ip=}]

Note that because they are iterated in different way depending on java version, and this makes (I think) impossible to share same token between services that are running in different JVM. For this reason I think that instead of using a HashMap for customclaims a LinkedHashMap should be used.

I can provide a PR if you want.

Comments (8)

  1. Connect2id OSS

    Thanks for spotting this!

    A pull request will be greatly appreciated as we've got our hands full at the moment. Alongside some tests, if possible :)

  2. Alex Soto reporter

    No problem, working on this, by the way have you noticed that there are 24 Errors when running the tests? I have just cloned the project and I did a mvn clean install.

  3. Alex Soto reporter

    Last thing before implementation. Do you expect some kind of portability between different jwt implementations? For example if we set that attributes are serialized depending on the inserted order (LinkedHashMap) then this is something that developers must be aware because the "other" implementation should implement it as well in this way and also provide the information on the order of the insertion of each attribute but if you don't have in mind this requirement then it is ok.

    On the other side if you think that this interoperability can be good then I think that (SortedMap) would be better because although you need to provide this information to the "other" caller at least only saying that must be in alphabetical order would be enough because you don't need to provide the order of insertion.

  4. Connect2id OSS

    The order should not matter according to the spec as the claims are converted to Base 64 before signing. So linked hash map should be fine.

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