List<String> to String cast exception on URLUtils -> serializeParameters

Issue #262 invalid
Craig Tobe created an issue

This method worked in older versions but in the newer version you are trying to cast a List<String> to a String and this method bombs every time. Can we please fix this? Thanks!

for (Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry: params.entrySet()) {

            if (entry.getKey() == null || entry.getValue() == null)

            // === problem is here
            for (String value: entry.getValue()) {

                if (value == null) {
                    value = "";

Comments (12)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Hi Craig,

    Could you post a snippet or test that shows the bug?

    We have a bunch of tests that pass this. entry.getValue() returns a List<String>. I don't see a cast in this method.

  2. Craig Tobe reporter

    Hi @vdzhuvinov

    EntrySet returns a key, value. Your value is a List<String>. So when you do entry.getValue() you are returning a List<String>. However, you are trying to set the List<String> to a String in the inner for-loop. The cast is here... for (String value: entry.getValue())

  3. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Hm, doesn't entry.getValue() resolve to List<String>?

    See the Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry

  4. Craig Tobe reporter

    I don't understand how you aren't able to reproduce this. I've had 6 developers on my team have this identical issue.

    The code doesn't even make sense. You are casting a List<String> to String. I think if you only have 1 String it may work, but with a real list of Strings, this will bomb every time.

  5. Connect2id OSS

    There is no explicit cast in the method.

    If code that calls the method does this cast - that's a different issue.

    Can you post a stack trace of the cast exception?

  6. Connect2id OSS
    for (String value: entry.getValue())

    is essentially

    List<String> someList = ....;
    for(String value: someList)
  7. Craig Tobe reporter

    Yes that's exactly it. I had to roll this version back in Microsoft's oauth implementation for it to work.

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