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conreality / Developer-Guide


Getting Started

These instructions will help you get set up with a local Conreality development environment such that you will be able to build the whole project from source and to contribute improvements to the project.

Installation (System-Specific)

Conreality development requires a Unix system with the [[Erlang/OTP|Erlang]] platform, the Elixir compiler and tooling, and the Nerves framework.


The quickest way to get set up with Erlang and Elixir on Ubuntu is using the package repository from Erlang Solutions:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install erlang
$ sudo apt-get install elixir

We recommend Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) as a known-good development environment; most of the core team use this.


The quickest way to get set up with Erlang and Elixir on Macs is using Homebrew:

$ brew update
$ brew install erlang
$ brew install elixir
$ brew install fwup squashfs coreutils

Alternatively, download Erlang and Elixir disk images from Erlang Solutions and install fwup according to its upstream installation instructions.


At present, the best option for Windows users is to get set up with a Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine (VM) using VirtualBox.


For other varieties of Linux than Ubuntu, or other Unix systems, please refer to the upstream Erlang, Elixir, and Nerves installation guides.

Installation (Generic)

After installing Erlang and Elixir, make sure to update your versions of the hex and rebar package and build tools:

$ mix local.hex
$ mix local.rebar

In case you're wondering, the mix utility was installed as part of Elixir.

As a final step, install the Nerves bootstrap and tooling:

$ mix archive.install

Development Environment

$ git clone
$ cd conreality

$ NERVES_TARGET=rpi mix deps.get

Building the Firmware Image

$ NERVES_TARGET=rpi mix firmware

Burning the Firmware Image

$ NERVES_TARGET=rpi mix firmware.burn

Developer Manuals
