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conreality / RTLS


2014 paper including an overview of the market then.

RF location tracking using WIFI with a precision on the meter scale.

Decimeter localization using a single WIFI access point.

Precise timing slides is needed for a precise position determination.

Ultra Wide Band

UWB link collection.

Bespoon offers module by uposition and Spoonphone at $50 and up.

Decawave UWB demo video.

Ekahau offers asset tracking.

Essensium offers an accuracy down to 50cm with it's Boomerand module.

Geozondas has a number of products for different applications.

Purelink offers asset tracking and badges. Sewio offers a number of kits.

Sewio packet sniffer localization demo video using 802.15.4a.

Sewio RTLS demo video.

Symeo 1cm precision products.

Time Domain offers the PulsON 330 and 440.

The Russian contender UWBS offers a number of products


Commercial solution for iPhone and android using bluetooth at $59 and up from Estimote.

On Github

Open source example app using WIFI.

MiXim 1.2.

DW1000 arduino project.

DW1000 from Decawave

DWM1000 from Semiconductorshop and breakout board.

DWM1000 product brief.

Other Decawave datasheets for DWM1000 and DW1000.
