Study Pages

Issue #84 resolved
Former user created an issue

Commissioner of Educational Affairs would like to clean up the Study section

  • Having separate pages for AI and CS seems like a waste of pages, I would like them to be combined into one about our studies (as well as adding more information about MSc)
  • The order books page is very out of date. It references the BookCee which doesn't exist. It is possible for board to change the text but not alter the button
  • The Student Representation page isn't presented in the menu
  • Commissioner of Education would also like a page to post about conferences that are coming up

The content can be done by Commissioner of Education but she would like you to make the background magic happen

Comments (3)

  1. Martijn Luinstra

    I've instructed Emily to create new pages and update the existing ones, and send us a heads-up when we need to change the menu.

  2. Martijn Luinstra

    Ignore the "page to post about conferences" for now, this is what "external activities" can be used for. And if there are going to be a lot, we might be able to find a better solution.

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