Default the peer grades to being empty

Issue #11 resolved
Kevin Moore created an issue

Currently the form displays the radio buttons and defaults to zero. Default to empty to make clear people need to provide a peer grade. If the radio button cant start empty then default to the highest value (as the most beneficial rather than accidently giving the worst grade)

Comments (3)

  1. Kevin Moore reporter

    Tried setting defaults for each radio group but this doesnt seem to be working. Tried adding a hidden radio and default to that, didnt work either.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart I was considering this issue earlier in the context of validation on the student side.

    Currently the form validates well for “Justification” comments, but does not work for the scales as by default using a likert scale every field is set to the lowest value by default (0 in our case).

    So, if a student misses one of the criteria they are not prompted to update the field and their peers are scored zero (or the lowest value in the scale) when in fact they have not been scored at all.

    Is it possible to not set any default value on those scales so that students are forced to make a selection by the form validation?

  3. Frédéric Massart

    Ensure that students select a rating for each of their peers. Fixes #11

    The form will no longer select the a default value for the scale and thus requires student to select a radio button for each criteria.

    Due to the way the form is constructed, the errors are displayed by ourselves using some JavaScript. Some features like autofocus are therefore lost.

    → <<cset 1c312fb0143c>>

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