Changing group membership

Issue #13 resolved
Kevin Moore created an issue

How does the system behave when users are moved or removed from groups? This needs to be possible as it does happen.

Comments (6)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    I just tested this from the perspective of a submitting student:

    1. Complete assessment as a student
    2. Remove them from the group
    3. Student sees error message (raised in #37)
    4. Assign student to a different group
    5. Student sees new group details on the submission page but see the “edit” as opposed to “add” submission, so it looks a little like they have made a submission already, but not to the new group
    6. Student enters the peer assessment screen and sees new group members with no scores (as they have not been scored yet)
    7. Remove student from new group and add again to original group
    8. Student sees scores left in original group
    9. Add student to both groups, student sees error message mentioned in #38

    If the errors are handled and messages made meaningful in #37 #38 this should all be ok, or at least as good as we can make it. I don’t think realistically we can try to improve the way this works in the context of group access as we never know the reason for a user being removed from the group.

    In reality this is unlikely to happen in the real world, and we can mitigate by encouraging the use of groupings.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    From the perspective of another student in the same group, when a peer is removed from the group that users responses are removed from view.

    When that peer is put back into the group the responses become visible again which is as it should be.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Kevin Moore I’m going to close this and look at error messages in #37 #38, but you may want to review the above in case I have missed something.

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