Display peer grades and justifications to student

Issue #20 resolved
Frédéric Massart created an issue

This is a remaining task within scope but it needs clarifications.

Prior to our changes the plugin was displaying the sum of the scale indexes as “peer grade” to the students, which leads to:

  • Alice rated you: 5
  • Bob rated you: 3

Our opinion is that this is not useful as those values do not indicate anything valuable to the student, and thus they should not be displayed. The alternative is to display the “Scale” chosen for each of the criteria to the student, e.g.:

  • Alice rated you “Yes” for “Did they actively participate?”
  • Alice rated you “Incompetent” for “Demonstrated ability to write without spelling mistakes”
  • Bob rated you “Most of the time” for “Did they actively participate?”
  • Bob rated you “Incompetent” for “Demonstrated ability to write without spelling mistakes”

However, the list can go be long, especially as the formatting of the criteria cannot fit on one line because they can contain rich HTML.

Then comes the justifications, which may or may not be displayed to the students depending on their setting. However, if we do not display the grades, display the justification make little sense. If we do display the grades, then displaying the justification makes sense.

@Jeremy Hopkins would you be able to advise on the way forward?

Comments (4)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart I agree the student view needs to show the full detail for each criteria.

    I think the approach will need to be similar to the teacher view where the scores and justification comments are split out.

    I just opened another issue to ask that we be able to control the visibility of the peer scores and anonymise them independently of the justification comments. So, it would be possible to show only grades, only comments, both grades and comments, neither grades or comments depending on the teachers chosen settings.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart one other point, the scores and justification comments should not be visible unless the grades have been “released”.

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