Capability mod/peerwork:submit exists but not used

Issue #21 resolved
Frédéric Massart created an issue

The capability mod/peerwork:submit is defined but not used anywhere.

As this stage it may not make sense to allow students to “view” the activity but not submit/grade their peers, so we suggest to simply remove the capability altogether.

@Jeremy Hopkins would you please confirm?

Comments (2)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart I believe what you are saying is there would only be the capability to “view” for students?

    If that is the case I think this is fine, as you say I cannot think of a situation where we would want a student to be able to view and not submit.

    So, as long as we are still using the view capability I think “submit” can be removed as you suggest.

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