Treat zero as grade is not implement

Issue #22 resolved
Frédéric Massart created an issue

The setting “Treat zero as grade” is not implemented in the computations.

While we are not that familiar with the WebPA algorithm and methodologies, we think that this setting may not need to exist. Scales are used to rate peers, and thus the grade given depends on the scale item, ranging from `0` to n . For a scale like “Incompetent, Competent” the values 0 and 1 can be assigned. Ignoring the values of 0 would basically mean to ignore the lowest option of the scales. We could consider that the scale indexes start range from 1 to n, however in that case 0 would never be an option.

Note that the plugin requires students to rate their peers for all criteria, they cannot select a “null/not rated” value.

Unless we missed something, we suggest to drop the setting altogether.

@Jeremy Hopkins would you please advise?

Comments (5)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart I need to refer back to the WebPA process, but am wondering how we handle a situation where students do not complete these scales at all, or say only 3/4 students complete and one does not?

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart Ok I see what you mean about this setting looking at its description, but that again raises the question of what we see if a student does not grade their peers, does that default to null if they never enter the screen to grade?

  3. Frédéric Massart reporter

    The algorithm works as described here ( whereby non-completion is equals to 0: Elaine didn't submit, so she effectively awarded 0.00.

    Entries are not created in the database when the students visit the grading page. Entries are recorded in peerwork_peers when they save the form, and all radio buttons are selected by default, so they either did not participate, or graded everyone.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    @Frédéric Massart Yes we have seen that in testing and do not think we need the “Treat 0 as a grade” setting.

    Can you remove that setting please.

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