Totals Adjusting Tutor Grades

Issue #26 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

In “Tutor grading” the plugin allows a “revised grade” to be added.

When academics do this they need to ensure the total for the assignment remains the same. The revised grade is to alter the distribution of marks but it should NOT alter the overall marks awarded to “Group A” when compared to another group.

To make this process easier it would help if there were a “Totals” row at the end showing static values for “Calculated Grade”, “Final Weighted Grade” and “Revised Grade”.

It would then be helpful if the total for “Revised Grade” used Javascript to show the totals as grades were adjusted, thus very quickly a tutor could make alterations to the grade distribution whilst keeping an eye on the totals.

It would be good to get an idea of the feasibility of this feature.

Comments (6)

  1. Frédéric Massart

    Hi Jeremy,

    A few questions:

    • Should the value be sum of revised grades be validated upon form submission, whereby it must be equal to the sum of final weighted grades.
    • Should a validation be added so that all (or none) of the revised grades must be provided? In other words, revising a 1 out of 3 students is not allowed.

    Thank you.


  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    @Frédéric Massart those are interesting questions!

    At this stage I think the answer is no to both, we are not trying to constrain teachers, just trying to make it easier for them to tweak the grades (which I know they have to do to accommodate individual circumstances.

    What maybe useful is if there were an indicator for when the grades matched, perhaps a check / cross icon?

    So, I think the answer is to try and make it visually obvious when they match / do not match, but do not hard code any rules around this.

  3. Frédéric Massart

    Hi Jeremy,

    I believe that it is better to simply display the total of revised grades without any indicator. The main reason for this is that there are two other totals, which are not necessarily equal, and thus indicating whether the revised grade total matches with one, both, or neither seems a bit confusing to understand from a teacher point of view.

    Please see for yourself in incoming patch.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Hi, yes I see what you mean about the issue around multiple totals, I think we will go with your suggestion of just showing the total for reference.

    I will test it again when I see the commit come in…

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