Add Totals to Student Feedback Screen

Issue #36 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Could totals be added to the student view of their peer feedback, so for each field of assessment they would see:

Total: 19/15

Where 13 would be the total score out of a possible total, for example 3 students x likert scale 1- 5 = 15 possible marks.

Comments (8)

  1. Frédéric Massart

    For students the scale values are displayed, not the grade. Example with scale C, B, A:

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    @Frédéric Massart I am not sure what your question is there?

    The issue I opened was to make totals clearer to students but that could only work where the values are numeric, if scales like A, B, C are used then they could not be totaled, so that feature would only work for numeric scales.

  3. Frédéric Massart

    Hi Jeremy,

    I see. That would only work for numeric scales where the scale grade matches the scale item. For instance, a scale of 5, 10, 15, … 100 while being numeric would not produce a total of 100, but a total of 20.

    Perhaps we should always display the total, for all scales. That way students still get an idea of what the maximum score they could have achieved is regardless of the scale values. Or we could display their score as a percentage.

    Or we could add a setting. In the assessment part of the module settings, we could ask whether a total of the grades should be displayed to the students. That gives us an opportunity to explain to educators that the scales “values” would be summed up, not their actual labels.

    Would you please confirm whether this should apply to all scales, or just some, and if only some, how to determine when to display or not the total?

    Thank you!

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Yes I see your point.

    I think the following maybe the best approach:

    1. Show all scores as x / x on each row, 3 / 5 for example
    2. Add an option to show the totals to students as you suggest. We would want administrators to be able to set the default for this
    3. When enabled the total would display as a percentage as you suggest

    Would that approach work?

  5. Frédéric Massart

    Hi Jeremy,

    Sure, I’ve made some changes to include the setting, and display the totals. And for each individual peer, the numerical value is displayed regardless of the scale values. Display both seemed that it might be confusing, so I am suggesting that we start with that and see how students respond to it.

    Please see what you think.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I think this is probably as good as we can make it, thanks for adding this, I will close this issue now.

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