Cron Bug

Issue #45 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

After installing on live Catalyst found a bug with the cron process for this plugin:

This was installed to production on a few sites this morning, and discovered that the cron task has a bug in it - it looked fine at the code stage but it was an area I didn't test as I wasn't sure of how to best trigger notifications.

The query in classes/task/notify_students.php references the column 'releasednotified' but this isn't actually in the database, and doesn't appear to be in the current installer or upgrader scripts. As a result, no notifications are sent and a warning appears in the cron logs.

I imagine this is a fairly small fix looking at how the code uses it but it does need to be in the schema.

In the interim we'll disable the scheduled task for mod_peerwork until it is resolved to avoid logging many, many errors.

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