Bug with Zero Grades

Issue #47 closed
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

When using 0-5 Likert scales, students who received a score of 0 from other students have their grade calculated correctly. In the example below, Example Student received 0 from all other students and the final score is calculated accordingly.

However, once grading is done and grades are released, in the submission summary page (student view) the value of 0 is treated as 1 and the results here can be confusing. Basically, the information below says that Example Student received a score of 1 from all other students and the average is also calculated. Moreover, the scale used in the assessment had 0-5 points but the responses here are presented as ‘out of 6’ instead of ‘out of 5’.

Comments (3)

  1. Frédéric Massart

    Hi Jeremy,

    This is by design, see #36. When displaying a peer grade, we opted for displaying the index of the scale value, not the scale value itself, therefore if 0 is the first scale value, we will display 1, and if there are 6 possible values, the total is considered 6. That was to account for various types of scales. WebPA does not look at the scale value, only its position in the value list, so the 1/6 reflects this.

    If this is not correct, would you please give us some example for the following scales:

    • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • 0, 5, 10, 15
    • Bad, Average, Good

    Thank you!

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