Add Coventry Style Tile Renderer

Issue #1 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

In admin settings BCU > Frontpage Courses there is a drop down list allowing you to choose the renderer used on the Moodle home page. Currently this has three options, there needs to be a fourth:

  • Tiles
  • Tiles w/ overlay
  • Tiles w/ overlay two (this one would be new)
  • Moodle Default

The new setting (third in list above) would render a tile with mouseover / overlay more consistent with the block style used on

  • narrow border of tile
  • add background to coures title
  • add colour picker for course title (should default to BCU blue and also apply to existing tile /w overlay)
  • add colour picker for course title text
  • add option to turn off "Course button" link (should also apply to other existing tiles so this

Comments (17)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    There is also a related ticket #32 to look at how we can apply the same style to the marketing blocks on the front page.

  2. John Stabinger

    This is in place now. Try it out when you have a chance. There are settings for the options, (colors, whether to hide the course button, etc.).

  3. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Thanks John, I actually saw that last night and posted a comment against this item in basecamp which was:

    I see you have started on the course renderer, looking good so far. A couple of points:

    • can you move the title below the image so it doesn't cover any part of the image unless you mouseover
    • It will look odd moving below the image with expandable width background so I think it would be best to make the blue title full width rather than expanding with the text
    • Can you improve the style of the mouseover so it is smoother, more like the effect on the "Hoxa" theme:
    • Can you make the entire overlay clickable rather than just the title to make it easier to click into the course

    I think those are only going to be minor tweaks. I will check the admin settings later.


  4. John Stabinger

    Wanted to add to this- The current changes to this probably won’y work well with the ‘course’ button enabled, so I would suggest we just remove that if this renderer is used.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Thanks John,

    That is looking better now. Could you move the text block below the tile image so it does not partially cover it? The option to turn the course tile button off is useful for the BCU tile, but agree you may as well remove it from the renderer for the coventry tile.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Sorry I just realised, perhaps I should just resize my image rather than changing the theme to fit it!

  7. John Stabinger

    Yes, I think it is below the image now but let me know if it is still cutting the image off.

  8. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    It is cutting the bottom of the images off, if it could be lowered a bit it would be good, thanks.

  9. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Would it be possible to trigger the overlay on mouseover of the image as well as the title text?

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