Add color pickers for mobile navigation

Issue #102 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

If a background color is in use on the main navbar it does not work well with "this course" links which are also colored.

A change has been added to make the background white which helps. However, if the font is also white (for bg on desktop) links are invisible.

This can be remedied with the following:

@media (max-width: 768px) {

.navbar>.nav>li>a { color:#000000 !important; }

Although it should probably be applied do a different media query.

What we really need are color pickers for both bg and color on mobile so we have control over colors for mobile navigation.

Comments (2)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Added color settings for mobile navigation.

    Moved css into media query as when moving between screen sizes (on desktop but believe this would also happen on rotate of tablets) menu was not snapping back to correct colors for larger screens.

    Fix #102 but may require more testing

    → <<cset 4a004e8ed616>>

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Added color settings for mobile navigation.

    Moved css into media query as when moving between screen sizes (on desktop but believe this would also happen on rotate of tablets) menu was not snapping back to correct colors for larger screens.

    Fix #102 but may require more testing

    → <<cset 4a004e8ed616>>

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