Button Style Not Applying

Issue #104 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

If you look at the attached screen shot the button in the blocks menu has not had the correct font color applied to it.

A recent change seems to have done this but I am not sure what, or where in css I would look to remedy this?

It doesnt look like we have a picker for button text color at all in the theme, the existing buttons page only has background colors.

There is one for editing icons (editfont) which I just moved into the "buttons" settings page, but not one for button font color itself unless I am missing something?

I will make the change but could do with a little advice on this.

Comments (2)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Fix #104 - issues with button color and editing button color.

    A setting 'buttontextcolor' was being used in css but there was no entry for it in lib.php or settings page.

    Once added this was overriding editfont color, made "important" which seemed to resolve.

    → <<cset 74eb9e0c2a1f>>

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Fix #104 - issues with button color and editing button color.

    A setting 'buttontextcolor' was being used in css but there was no entry for it in lib.php or settings page.

    Once added this was overriding editfont color, made "important" which seemed to resolve.

    → <<cset 74eb9e0c2a1f>>

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