Unify Login Buttons

Issue #124 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

I just added more options for the login button for #112 but it could do with some improvement to the way styles are applied.

As the new login form setting puts a form into the header (see screen shot below) the requirements for styling are a little different, I found I needed a "height" setting.


However this setting has no use when the standard login button (really a html link) is used, similarly padding has little use when the login form is in use.

An improvement maybe to change the standard login button (a href) into a form button using method="get" which I think would allow us to have more consistent styles.

I will do this but wanted to get your thoughts as the button was initially your change.

Comments (5)

  1. Info 3bits

    moodle still have many old code that should be modified but as you know the big elephant is getting more fat each time and less old bugs and problems are fixed. I didn't review the v3.0 code but I don't believe they updated old code to HTML5. So we need to deal with the old style probably for years.

    The result is really good. The only question would be the bottom with the divider line. Probably above-header will need more pixels height. I tested 25px and looks well.

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